I Slept Through The American Dream starts out innocently enough, in a vacant lot while sharing dreams with his neighborhood cohorts. At an early age D. Waters picked the fun corner over the no fun corner. The vacant lot eventually became a LOCALS ONLY territorial beach. Along with surfing, the elements of petty crimes were introduced into his life, and he couldn’t be happier about it. His friends related to him as well as he did to them. Thinking outside the box, yet knowing how the box thinks was his mindset, so as the vacant lot expanded, so did the fun corner. The introduction of narcotics, along with felonies replacing the misdemeanors of his youth D. Waters started shaping into an individual that would not accept substitutes on what he defined as a key to his life.
This book leads the reader on an adventurous ride through the streets and neighborhoods of his hometown in Southern California, while introducing characters as well as making the reader feel a part of every prank, every crime and eventually every bank robbery. But with picking the fun corner comes consequences for having this freedom from life’s guiding principles.
Leavenworth Penitentiary was considered the worst prison in the nation at the time and became the setting for the new fun corner in D. Waters’ life. This is where most people step away from that once corner of fun, but that is not the case. In reading I Slept Through The American Dream, the audience can feel the handcuffs and leg shackles as they read about adventures ranging from the ironic to the horrific and feel trapped in the prison walls where there are no timeouts. But through this madhouse of abstract life, the character of D. Waters remains true to himself, as well as to his loyal friendships, keeping the fun corner his domain but at the same time, freedom takes a back seat to survival where human characteristics are replaced with primal animal instincts.
A portion of the proceeds from the book will go to furnishing copies to youth facilities and correctional institutions.
Appealing The Death Sentence of Valley Fever
The sole reason for writing this book is to show others living with Valley Fever that change is possible.
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D Waters congratulations on the completion of your book, I know it was hard and painstaking but you passed the test with flying colors truly enjoy the read I will pass it along to everyone I meet Stevie Ree
I read my mother’s copy of your book, while visiting in Oxnard. I was absolutely riveted from beginning to end! I’m going to buy my own copy so I can read it over and over! Thank you for sharing!
Wow! I’m honored to have the opportunity to purchase and read this tantalizing book written by an alumni of my High School Alma Mater! God bless you D.Waters , for your courage, strength and perseverance to survive whatever road you traveled; and the brilliance to recognize what a gift your life actually was! I can’t wait to get my hands on it!
I recently finished reading your book and i want to thank you for sharing your story. It made me think about how life starts out and the changes that happen as we go through it, good and bad. Reading your book opened my own scars that have long healed and I thank you again for that. Your humor and insight into your experience was thrilling, scary, funny and hopeful and i thank you for that. Beautiful book written by a man who knows both sides of life and i thank you for that.
This book doesn’t whisper…….it shouts!
Your story is, well, an adventure.
Growing up in the same town at the same time it took me down memory lane with your incredible details! An amazing read start to finish so get it and read it!
When’s your next book coming?